STAC Gallery Link
Join Studio Friday for Important, Interesting and Fun information about Art and Design.
Each week see my pic of the week for art. |
Spring Semester 2020
NOTE: M211 Use
M211 is available for student use any time there isn't a class in session. Friday, Saturday & Sunday-- Studio open all day until midnight. These are the rules as per head of security. -- students can stay in M211 until midnight, but they must sign in at the security, they must sign out when they leave, they cannot have guests, and they cannot stay past 12:00. -- if the students are signed in and security officers know they are there, security will do a sweep of the hallway once or twice to check on them. -- if they go to M211 without signing in or violate any of these other policies this will be revisited. (classIf door is locked, contact Security to open it for you. If you have a problem, have them call me. |
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